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There have been many problems with the Siri packages that have been released in our repo.  We would like to first clarify what happened.  During our partnership with The Blizzard Dev Team, we have released the S1ri packages.  Those were working fine for some but many had experienced a boot loop.  On all of our testing devices, the install has succeeded and we have told the staff over at The Blizzard Dev Team, but apparently they did no further testing themselves.  We are sorry for all of the issues and troubles and we would like to make it up to you.  The partnership with The Blizzard Dev Team has officially ended, allowing TekWik to release their own Siri Port, called PAT Port.  PAT is the new name to our popular Siri server, previously Siri4All, and is an acronym for Personal Assistant Technology.  We have thoroughly tested and developed PAT Port to resolve all of the problems encountered with the last port.

Now, I will explain how to configure and setup PAT Port with the PAT server. The installation is comprised of very simple steps and is completed entirely on the device. A video has been included to provide a visual example.

Step 1. Jailbreak your device.
Step 2. Open Cydia and add the repo “”
Step 3. Install the package “PAT Port” or “PAT Port for iPad” depending on your device.
Step 4. Reboot
Step 5. Go back into the Cydia repo and install PAT Setup.
Step 6: Enjoy a fully functional assistant on your iOS Device.

