So earlier today was a normal day until we received an interesting picture which is shown above of some people in white suits working on what appears to be iPhone 5 displays. The home button on the displays appear to be elongated and the display falls in place with a bigger 4″ display rumor. The image however is pretty tough to exactly tell. However, M.I.C Gadget feels very comfortable with the information they received surrounding the picture.
Unfortunately, there is just one problem with the above photo. Look very closely and you will notice that it seems to be missing a front-facing camera cutout for FaceTime. If this is the iPhone 5 that is a pretty big flaw. It also seems to be missing a receiver cutout. Regarding to the receivers though, these could also be iPod touch 5 displays.
How do you guys feel with this? Does it look like it is the iPhone 5? Is this a fake photo? What do you guys think? Lets try something new today. Leave your comments in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+!!!