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Animated Wallpapers for Windows 7

Animated Wallpapers for Windows 7

  Before our name change to TekWik one of the most popular videos was “Animated Wallpapers for Windows 7”. Some users encountered issues and so now theres an updated version of the video. The video explains how to enable Dreamscene, a feature in...
Windows 8 Editions

Windows 8 Editions

Microsoft has released the windows 8 SKU’s this week and as far as I’ve seen they have simplified the big confusion between which version of Windows to install on your PC. This is now seen with Windows 8 having only 3 SKU’s for the Consumer. For big...
See If You Have The Flashback Trojan

See If You Have The Flashback Trojan

  A new Trojan for OS X is spreading around the web, which normally wouldn’t be that surprising. But, this Trojan doesn’t even need access to the Mac’s administrator password to bypass security is rather scary. It is also estimated that Flashback has...
Internet and April Fools 2012

Internet and April Fools 2012

  Happy April Fool’s Day Everyone. As you know many sites on the Internet love to prank their visitors(Except this one. Or so I think…) on April 1st and below is a list of all the popular pranks seen online today. Check them out!! Google Google Maps...