Frequently updated informative posts.Hiss – Forward Growl to Notification Center
With the new Notification Center feature in Mac OS Mountain Lion you can make it more useful by using Hiss. Hiss is a free application that sends apps Growl notifications directly to Mountain Lion’s desktop notification panel. That's all the app basically does, but...

Install PAT Port and Setup the PAT Server on iOS 5.1.1
There have been many problems with the Siri packages that have been released in our repo. We would like to first clarify what happened. During our partnership with The Blizzard Dev Team, we have released the S1ri packages. Those were working fine for some but many...
Change Notification Center Background
About a week into the Mountain Lion launch, tweaks and customizations are starting to appear around the interwebs. We are going to cover some of the more interesting tweaks we find. NCBackgrounder is an application to assist in changing the Notification Center...

OS X Mountain Lion Now Available
OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion is currently available on the Mac App Store today July 25th . The current new features include the following plus some more less prominent ones. Messages – replaces iChat to bring full iMessage support to the Mac Notification Center – just like...
TekWik Minecraft Server Overview
What The TekWik Minecraft server is a complex Minecraft server with large cities, rides, art, transportation systems, and an economy. It is still developing and will always continue to expand. The TekWik Minecraft server has launched with amazing server...

The Internet Defense League

iOS 6 Early Beta Full Review
Back in early June Apple finally took the wraps off iOS 6 and made it available to developers everywhere. I recently posted showing how to get it if you aren't a developer so you guys can check that out. On the other hand, I have been using it for a little while to...

Sony buys Gaikai Cloud Gaming
Sony have purchased Gaikai. Gaikai is an Open Cloud Storage platform also self described as 'The fastest, most powerful, lowest-latency cloud network on the market'. This new update could have something to do with the next generation console, Playstation 4. Sony...

The Death of RIM
As we all know, RIM, the company behind BlackBerry, has been falling behind companies like Samsung, HTC, Apple, etc. Their stock has plummeted and their sales have dropped significantly. Here is an infographic to help share some insight on the topic. ...

Redd00r Released for iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G
Today is a great day. The whited00r development team released Redd00r. Redd00r is an optimized version of iOS 4 that gives life back to the older iDevices. It also brings a lot of features from newer versions of iOS down to iOS 4! Below is a features list......