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Blackberry Woes Continue

Blackberry Woes Continue

NOTE: CURRENTLY I’M NOT SURE WHAT PROVIDERS ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH BLACKBERRY DEVICES OTHER THAN SPRINT. RIM, or Research in Motion, the company that produces the Blackberry OS and Blackberry device line-up, has been asked by mobile carrier Sprint to fix...
Where is the iPhone 5?

Where is the iPhone 5?

Today was Apple’s huge iPhone event titled “Lets Talk iPhone”. When the day started rumors were still flying all over the place wether Apple would release a iPhone 4 look alike in the 4S or a new re-designed iPhone 5. When it was all said and done...
What should you expect on October 4th?

What should you expect on October 4th?

As you probably have heard yesterday Apple has announced that on October 4th they will be holding a media event to unveil their new iPhone hardware. The biggest question though is what to expect. Wether its two iPhones or one, we are going to break the whole thing...
Interesting Apple store photo and an announcement!

Interesting Apple store photo and an announcement!

You should not read into this photo too thoroughly. Actually on second thought you should. Interesting enough this photo gives off some information. Don’t see it? Well here is a close up: This photo was taken at an Apple store in San Francisco, California. Oddly...